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Inoxx FA

Inoxx FA

Rigid pedestal with a fixed height. Rotates 360°. Stanchion-leg welded with the base is made of polished stainless steel AISI316. Removeable support casted aluminium, powder-coated. Base Ø 250 mm, tube Ø 60 mm.

Three standard heights, others upon request.
Pedestals meet and exceed American safety guidelines ABYC/H31!

Item no. Item Price / Euro [without VAT] Price / Euro [with VAT]
32018Inoxx FA I seat pedestal, height 185 mm380,00452,20
32033Inoxx FA II seat pedestal, height 335 mm395,00470,05
32072Inoxx FA III seat pedestal, height 725 mm450,00535,50

Valid Value Added Tax (VAT) for deliveries to private customers within the EU is 19%. For residential customers outside the EU, the VAT in the respective home country (= shipping address) is taken.

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