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Varius H

Varius H

A fold-down chair with a high back and bucket shaped PUR cushions assuring maximum comfort and stability. Durable 12 mm marine plywood. Strong aluminium hinges (coated) fastened with T-nut inserts and S/S screws. Stainless steel staples. Secured by S/S clamping device. Also available without flip-up armrests, left and/or right.

Item no. Item Price / Euro [without VAT] Price / Euro [with VAT]
20150Varius H helm seat520,00605,71
20157Protective cover Varius H/C138,00161,84
101002-colour surcharge seats25,5029,75
10102Piping surcharge seats36,5042,84

Valid Value Added Tax (VAT) for deliveries to private customers within the EU is 19%. For residential customers outside the EU, the VAT in the respective home country (= shipping address) is taken.

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